
socially responsible design.
The use of design to address social, environmental, economic issues and focuses on a more holistic and responsible approach to design that embraces ethical, cultural and humanitarian values; simply termed ‘design for good’. Socially Responsible Design responds to all stakeholders (not just clients and consumers) and examines the consequences of design activity and the potential for design to contribute positively to societal aspirations and expectations, health and lifestyle.
We at GMI believe in Socially Responsible Design.

Founding partners Dan Meus (left) and Gary Graham (right).
our story.
GMI Architects was established in 1980 as Graham/Meus Inc. Architects to provide planning, architecture and interior design services by our founding principles Gary Graham and Dan Meus. Gary and Dan met while starting their architectural career in a large, Boston-based healthcare design firm from 1970-1980. Now led by Gary Graham, FAIA as the Principal in Charge, GMI Architects is composed of 8 professionals with a portfolio ranging from Architectural Services to Interior Design.
GMI has chosen to remain a small firm with a strong interest in all kinds of design challenges, but with a high degree of specialization in behavioral healthcare programming, planning and design. Behavioral healthcare design places significant emphasis of the therapeutic environment wherein safety, security, and control must be seamlessly integrated into a non-institutional, familiar, and comfortable setting.
GMI is also committed to obtaining input and involvement from our clients, and our client’s stakeholders. Our firms’ founding principal is a noted process leader and facilitator with a specialty in participatory processes that seeks common ground. Our focus on socially responsible design has given GMI the opportunity to initiate intensive dialogue with clients and colleagues. Each new project provides a fresh perspective which is measured against GMI's extensive previous experience.
a national perspective
Our specialized expertise and experience have given our small firm the opportunity to design projects throughout the United States and Canada. We are comfortable working in collaboration with local or regional design organization for architectural, engineering, technical, regulatory, and site specific requirements.
design awards & recognition
GMI has a reputation for process and service, yet the firm has also been recognized for design excellence from local and regional chapters of the American Institute of Architects, and from publication of our work in architectural and health care journals. GMI has also received awards from the Massachusetts Department of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance, including design awards, an award for Studies and Process Improvements.
GMI's design work reflects an unusual concern for place and purpose. We believe that the design process must balance aesthetics, performance, and function, against site, mission, and budget. This approach results in aesthetically beautiful facilities that fit into the context of each project's physical setting and administrative constraints.
Design organizations such as GMI, need not be categorized as “design oriented”, at the expense of service or production methodology. GMI is proud to be a technologically advanced smaller firm with strong design, service, and production capabilities.
GMI Architects provides programming, planning, architectural, and interior design services with our in-house staff of professionals.
GMI believes in the value of determining our client’s specific requirements for a project, at the very earliest stage of the project’s development. Through an interactive process, GMI works with our client, and our client’s key stakeholders to understand the goals, preferences, and functions that need to be provided, and then translates that criteria into space and functional requirements and their necessary characteristics.
GMI understands the strategic benefits of establishing a dynamic “fit” between program and the physical parameters of our clients situation: site, existing structures, local and regional requirements, etc. – in short a comprehensive planning process.
GMI applies a combination of pragmatism and idealism in the pursuit of functional, aesthetically pleasing, cost-effective, timeless, and ultimately satisfying solutions to our clients’ challenges. We would like to think that GMI develops architectural expressions that combine the art and science of building technology and consistent with our philosophy of socially responsible design we are committed to creating environmentally sensitive and efficient facilities.
GMI enhances the quality of the interior environments that they create relative to design and layout, colors, material applications, lighting, custom casework, furniture selection, and artwork.